How To Deal With Debt Collectors - With Marc Billard At Met Credit

Episode #22

Ep: #022  How To Deal With Debt Collectors - With Marc Billard At Met Credit

Collection calls can be scary. Perhaps you've heard stories of how debt collectors threaten to empty your bank account, come to your working place to embarrass you, or ruin your life. 

Not only does it cause financial stress, but it also creates mental and emotional stress. 

The first step is understanding how debt collectors operate and your rights in the process so that you are fully equipped to have a positive conversation with a collection agent. 

In this week's podcast, Marc Billard of Met Credit shares his insights on how to not avoid the collection calls and how to deal with them when you're on the call. 

Marc is the Vice President and General Manager of Met Credit, a leader in Canadian consumer debt recovery and commercial collection. 

Please give it a listen as Marc shares how debt collectors operate, how to have a successful call, and financial tips on how to proceed if you cannot pay the balance in full. 

For more info, please visit 

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