The Dangers Of Perfectionism And People Pleasing - With Chasidy Wright

Episode #30

Ep: #30 Do you struggle with perfectionism and people pleasing? Have you ever declined an invitation with friends or gave up learning a new skill because of the anxiety of perfectionism? 

In today's episode, my guest is Mindset Makeover Coach, Chasidy Wright. After years of struggling to feel comfortable in her own skin, she finally decided to do something about it. Chasidy is a licensed therapist and "people pleaser in recovery" that used to think she had to be perfect to be accepted. Through journeys of self-awareness, Chasidy now teaches others how to unravel perfectionism and reveals the myths that were disguised as truths. 

Listen in as we discuss the dangers of perfectionism and people pleasing and how we can authentically show up for ourselves. 

To learn more about Chasidy, visit and register for her upcoming Workshop: Coloring Outside The Lines - 3 Ways To Challenge Your Perfectionism